Elon Musk Flags Political Correctness in AI as Major Concern

Billionaire tech entrepreneur Elon Musk has raised alarms about potential biases in contemporary artificial intelligence (AI) systems, emphasizing political correctness as a significant issue.

Speaking at Viva Tech Paris 2024, Musk stated:

"The biggest concern I have is that they are not maximally truth-seeking. They are pandering to political correctness."

Musk highlighted a particularly worrying instance involving Google’s Gemini AI. When asked whether it would misgender Caitlyn Jenner to prevent a global nuclear apocalypse, the AI responded that misgendering Jenner would be worse than nuclear warfare.

"The AI could conclude that the best way to avoid misgendering is to destroy all humans and misgendering is impossible. So you can see some dystopian outcomes there."

In response to the backlash, Google has implemented multiple updates to address these issues. However, Musk's concerns extend beyond political correctness. He elaborated:

"The AI systems are being trained to basically lie. And I think it’s very dangerous to train superintelligence to be deceptive. So with xAI, our goal is to be as truth-seeking as possible, even if it is unpopular."

When pressed to clarify what he meant by AI systems "lying," Musk referred to a notable incident in February. Google had to withdraw its AI image generator after it produced historically inaccurate and "woke" images, raising widespread concerns about the AI's decision-making process.

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