Bernstein’s analysts believe that ‘Blockchain Immutability,’ is a protection against censorship scandals.

As questions about censorship and AI-generated content keep rising, Bernstein analysts use the application of blockchain to support truth and prevent censorship.

Recent occurrences such as Mark Zuckerberg admitting to the censorship of Covid-19 related information on Face book, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov’s arrest over content moderation controversy and X being in a stand-off with Brazil over misinformation have reignited the discourse on censorship. In the opinion of the analysts from Bernstein, including Gautam Chhugani, Mahika Sapra and Sanskar Chindalia, blockchain has a solution through its immutable ledger.

Having known how blockchain works, the function it plays in the preservation of the truth is evident.

The analysts say that although traditional media and social platforms such as X try to modify content without banning it, the blockchain’s nature has its strengths in maintaining the usability of the truth. For example, Telegram utilises distributed storage across different jurisdictions so that it can be difficult to obtain data and it does not bow to the pressure of censorship.

However, politicization of false information fight and application’s strict privacy policies and banning censorship principles make the following essential questions: who should decide what is true and how AI-produced content should have more moderation than human Content?

The Function of Blockchain for Social Networks and Market De-Sophistication

Inapposite attempts to decentralized social media applications such as Farcaster and Lens have been futile. However, the democratizing nature within which blockchain perpetuates markets and enables users to capture events to be tokenized, speaks to the novel truthful way of deploying the ‘skin in the game. ‘

The analysts use Polymarket, a decentralised predictions platform built on Polygon as a real life example.
In the United States presidential elections, people who do not believe in conventional voting polls can track Polymarket’s odds that can be out of sync with the national polls.

For instance, the odds for the event at Polymarket itself were in favor of Donald Trump recently than Kamala Harris whereas the national polls depicted a much closer contest.

Addressing AI-Generated Content

According to the Bernstein’s analysts, zero-knowledge proofs could assist in certifying human-generated content as AI content increases, thus helping blockchain retain productivity, truth, scarcity and decentralization of power.

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