Franklin Templeton Digital Asset Head Urges Persistence with SEC

Financial innovators must remain persistent with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), says Roger Bayston, Franklin Templeton's head of digital assets.

Bayston emphasized that regulatory bodies like the SEC often rely on legal precedents set in courts. “This is just the process we’re engaged in,” he explained to Cointelegraph’s Turner Wright at the Consensus event.

Despite some skepticism about the SEC's “open door” policy, Bayston views the agency's actions as essential for safeguarding the economy. He believes the challenges are not insurmountable: “We wouldn’t be in the business for 76 years — the business of trust — if we didn’t have some discipline, persistence, and collaborative behavior with the global regulators we face.”

Bayston also noted a positive shift in the SEC’s approach compared to last year. “We’ve been pleasantly engaged with the SEC [...] and we’re excited as they shift and change their tone,” he remarked.

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