Vitalik Buterin Supports the Idea of solo staking in Orders to Boost Ethereum’s Security

In his speech at Ethereum Singapore 2024 held on September 16, Ethereum co-founder, Buterin pointed at the importance of solo staking in enhancing the security level and decentralization of Ethereum.

Buterin was also concerned with centralized threats and noted that solo stakers, those who stake Ether in the network by themselves with no third parties, are the best defense against such threats.

Solo Staking for Decentralization

However, Buterin made it very clear that solo stakers also play a great role of decentralization in Ethereum. They put together an unknown bunch of unrelated nodes that decentralize and weaken a concentration of power, which is always a security issue, and which helps to save the network in the long run.

He remarked “The further that we can get toward solo stakers, I think there is a lot of ways in which that can be this really powerful additional layer of security and privacy protection.

Defending Against 51% Attacks
During his speech, Buterin also briefly described the problem of 51% attacks, where an adversary increases control over the computational capabilities of a blockchain to more than 50 percent. He suggested that Ethereum might need to adjust the threshold parameter for block finalization from two thirds to another number, like three Fourths to strengthen the defence against similar attacks.

Recently, one idea that I’ve been pushing is the idea that the quorum threshold should actually be higher than two thirds of the shares; it should be three fourths or possibly more than that, stated Buterin.

Buterin Sentiments about Google’s Auto-Login

Also, Buterin has recently shown support for Google’s auto sign-in feature. On September 4, he noted that there were often risks connected to such services and that a strong security model that can be compared to multisig can help to avoid them.

Buterin suggested sign-in services to include a signing key and M of N guardian setup to provide higher security to the important data and valuable assets.

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