Space Exploration Company SERA Collaborates with Coinbase to launch NFT Drop for Space Tickets

Space Exploration & Research Agency (SERA) has recently partnered with Coinbase for what seems to be the world’s first NFT drop, which grants ownership of a ticket to fly to outer space with Blue Origin. This is a part of Coinbase ’s “onchain summer” outreach effort.

NFT Drop Details

In the next few days, the citizen science organization SERA will create three space-related NFTs on the Base Layer 2 network. Which if bought will enable the holder free access to the still upcoming astronaut selection program of SERA.

Everyone who owns an NFT will be able to get one of six places on a Blue Origin New Shepard launch vehicle, created by Jeff Bezos. The NFT will skip the holders of the NFT through first phase and place them directly to the second phase of the astronaut selection.

Inclusion and Transparency

SERA co-founder, and former rocket engineer, Sam Hutchinson added: “Our objective was to make space travel accessible to the public as a leisure activity and experience. ” “It is all about how to make space reachable for anybody,” he told me.

The remaining five members of the mission will be contingent of astronauts from countries that do not have much experience with space travel such as India, Nigeria and Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The token holders will also be also engaged in the selection process through a voting system on the chain to avoid bias selection.

Blockchain Integration

Both the KYC procedure and the blockchain-based voting will be integrated into the process of the astronaut selection procedure. Every user who is onboarded in the SERA program will get the mission badge in form of an NFT tracking their participation in voting.

As for transparency, Hutchinson described how blockchain might facilitate greater openness in space exploration, which is similar to what Web3 wants in its pursuits. The approach is in line with the general effort to enhance space knowledge and research access.

Historical Context and Future Goals

Of the roughly 660 people who have been to space, most come from the U.S., Russia, and China. SERA previously secured a seat for Victor Hespanha, a civil engineer from Brazil, through a similar token voting process.

SERA co-founder Joshua Skurla noted the alignment between the space and Web3 communities, with potential collaborations involving notable figures like Stellar founder Jed McCaleb and his new venture, Vera, aimed at building a private space station.

Coinbase engineer Jesse Pollak praised the synergy between the Web3 and space communities, highlighting the shared vision for increased socioeconomic freedom.

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